RAPID CITY, SD (605) 858-2569
SIOUX FALLS, SD (605) 370-1990
PIERRE, SD (605) 222-0409
WATERTOWN, SD (605) 370-1990
Mustang Disaster CleanUp
Sioux Falls, Rapid City, Pierre, Watertown
IICRC Certified Managers & Techs
We Do All Testing, Estimating, & Cleaning
We do all testing, estimating, and cleaning for meth and fentanyl contaminations on any property. We are licensed and certified in meth and fentanyl cleaning and restoration. Whether you know there is a contamination, or you suspect it, please contact us.
Contact Mustang Disaster CleanUp for Meth & Fentanyl Cleaning and Restoration

• Methamphetamine - According to National Institute of Drug Abuse, methamphetamine is a powerful, highly addictive stimulant that affects the central nervous system. Also known as meth, chalk, ice, and crystal, among many other terms, it takes the form of a white, odorless, bitter-tasting crystalline powder that easily dissolves in water or alcohol.​​
​• Fentanyl - a synthetic opioid. It is 50-100 times stronger than morphine. Common street names include: China Town, Dance Fever, Friend, China White, Popcorn Heroin, Gray Death, Lethal Injection, Flat line, Reaper, Green Monster, Poison, Death Wish, Undertaker and may others

Meth labs are increasingly common, and Fentanyl is quickly becoming a more significant hazard. If you suspect or know you have a meth or fentanyl contamination on your property, reach out to us as soon as you can.
We have offices in Sioux Falls, Rapid City, and Pierre, SD (also serving the Watertown area) covering all of South Dakota. Contact us today!
How Long Does the Cleanup Process Take?
Most properties can be decontaminated in about 2-4 weeks. The decontamination process begins (and depending on the size of the house), can take anywhere from a few days to a couple weeks. Then, all areas need to be tested, and the tests submitted to the lab for analysis, this can take up to 5 business days to get results back. A final meeting is then scheduled to go over the results – and get your house back.
What Contents Can Be Cleaned?
Items considered Non-Porous, such as most tables, dressers, headboards or other hard items can be decontaminated. Also, items that can fit into a washing machine can potentially be saved with proper meth cleanup procedures. Item considered Porous, generally cannot be decontaminated. Mattresses, couches, anything with a cushion or upholstery, pillows, stuffed animals, most electronics and kids' toys can generally not be decontaminated.
During a meth cleanup project, only hard non-porous items can be decontaminated. Such as, finished sheet rocked walls and ceiling, subfloors, hard surface flooring, doors, cabinets, countertops, metal ductwork, furnaces etc. Items to be removed and disposed of include carpet, carpet pad, drop ceiling tiles, acoustical ceiling tiles, insulated or flex ductwork, and exposed insulation.
Signs There Was Potential Drug Use
Glass cookware containing chemical residue
Bottle or containers connected with rubber tubing
Filters, pillowcases or bed sheets stained red or containing a white powdery residue
Stained carpet
Glass pipes and syringes
Burn marks on walls, ceilings (explosions)
Missing or tampered with smoke detectors
Burn piles in yard
Staining on walls and floors (multi-colored)
Closed circuit televisions or security systems
Extreme amounts of debris (hoarding appearance)
Writing on walls
Missing light bulbs